Fleshing It Out With Lisa Vasquez

My boss(es) are awesome!

Type AJ Negative

For the better part of the last seventeen months I’ve gotten to work with Lisa Vasquez, owner of Stitched Smile Publications, graphic designer and author. She’s witty and funny and believes in shenanigans. She is also hard working, dedicated and determined. I think this is why we get along, even though our personalities should clash.

Back in January, Lisa released her novel, The Unfleshed. Recently, I sat down to talk with Lisa about the new novel, among other things.

AJ: Before we get into the nitty gritty, tell us a little bit about Lisa Vasquez, the person.

LV: That’s the question I dread the most when doing interviews. I often put myself into separate boxes.

Lisa, the author, has been writing since she was in the 4th grade. My debut book, The Unsaintly, was released a few years ago and is my favorite work because it was my…

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It’s Not What You Think–It’s So Much More

"Can't you just stop being sad?" "Why don't you get over it already?" "Go out, get some sun, you'll feel better." "We all get sad sometimes. It passes." We've all heard these platitudes before; some of us might even say them at times. And they're usually said to someone claiming to suffer from depression. Why …

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A stray thought knocks, then nags, playing freeze tag among synapses. Begging please. No. Not this. Not now. But as the walls close in, breath grows thin and becomes a limited commodity. Lungs lock and capsize, the key trapped inside, swallowed by an irrational fear that can’t be denied. Heart races, then trips, unable to …

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Flash Fiction Saturday: The Rise of Agoraphobia

My newest piece of flash fiction, originally posted over at Stitched Smile Publications. Enjoy.

Stitched Smile Publications

I look over the order and click “confirm.” Rocking back in my chair, I can’t help but feel sick. I’ve never ordered groceries online before. Why would I, with at least five grocery chains within ten miles of my home and a personally owned market two blocks away?

I was on my way out, keys in hand and about to turn the knob when I stopped, swamped by an overwhelming wave of dread, and I realized I couldn’t go out. Not today.

Not now.

I’ve been watching the news, of course. Who hasn’t? I know about the attacks. Recent events have changed everything, and no one is safe. Neighbors who have peacefully lived side by side for decades are now mortal enemies. Families are being ripped apart. Everyone thinks they know the best way to handle the descending chaos, and anyone who disagrees is no more than an obstacle to…

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